Where were Root7 at Spring Fair?

Where were Root7 at Spring Fair?

You might have noticed a big Root7 shaped hole at Spring Fair this year. It is the first time in 6 years we haven’t been there, so we thought it was important to let you, our wonderful customers know our reasons behind the decision.

Every time we have exhibited, Spring Fair has always been amazing for us. I remember the first stand we had, it was the size of a cupboard at the back next to the loos. We met some amazing people, suppliers and retailers alike and we made friends we still work and hang out with today. This is something I love about this industry, competitors help each other, retailers are friends and everyone involved makes going to these shows, which can be quite stressful, a lot of fun. The other key factor that made this decision very hard was that Spring Fair has always showed good returns for us, the amount of orders taken and the opportunity to show customers new products is invaluable. 

So with this in mind we came to the difficult decision to take a year off from the show. Our reasons behind the decision are fundamentally that the disruption to our small team was too great and would affect the momentum of our product development. We have put a lot of effort into creating a pipeline of strong products and at this critical time of year our focus has to be on that. We are experimenting with new ways to get our new products out to our customers through social media, video and obviously the traditional routes (just minus trade fairs for the first half of 2018).   

I hope you enjoyed the show and found some excellent products, innovation in the industry is only a good thing and helps keep us all on our toes.

See you all soon ;)

Rob Ingram